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3. avgust
at 20.30


Bor Zuljan, lutes

Ricercare (improvisation),
Ottava rima (improvisation, lyrics Franco Sachetti)
Improvisation to Joan Ambrosio Dalza (?–1508)
Calata ala spagnola, Calata ala spagnola ditto Terzetti

Ricercare (improvisation)
Josquin Desprez (c. 1450–1521), Mille Regretz
Bassadanza (improvisation)

Ricercare (improvisation)
Bartolomeo Tromboncino (1470–post 1534), Zephyro Spira
Ricercare dietro (improvisation)

Ricercare (improvisation)
Improvisation to Vincenzo Capirola (1474–post 1548), Padoana descordata
Michele Pesenti (c. 1470–1528), Vincenzo Capirola (1474–post 1548), Che Faralla

Ricercare (improvisation)
Improvisation to Giovanni Maria da Crema (1492–1505), Passamezzo e Saltarello ala Bolognesa
Bartolomeo Tromboncino (1470–post 1534), Su, su, leva
Improvisation to Joan Ambrosio Dalza (?–1508), Piva        

Described as the “Revolutionary of the lute” by Le Soir, Bor Zuljan excels in playing a variety of early, modern, and traditional plucked-string instruments. He is dedicated to reviving forgotten improvisation techniques, playing styles, instruments, and sounds, continually expanding the possibilities within his art.

In addition to his solo performances and collaborations with various chamber ensembles, Bor is the artistic director of the Flores Musicae early music festival. His critical edition of Gorzanis’ Second lute book, published by the Slovenian Musicological Society, features pieces performed on the acclaimed album “La barca del mio amore”, an album released under the Arcana – Outhere Music label by Bor’s ensemble La Lyra and Italian singer Pino De Vittorio. Following an extensive discography, his recent work “Toutes les nuits” with his duo Dulces Exuviae was selected as Gramophone magazine’s Recording of the Month and received multiple accolades, including the Diapason d’Or.

Bor is currently pursuing his doctoral thesis on 16th-century Fantasia lute improvisation at the University of Tours. Since autumn 2023, he has also been a professor of lute and basso continuo at the Civica Scuola di Musica Claudio Abbado in Milan.
His take on 16th century improvisation will add a unique historical aspect to Prečkanja – Sconfinamenti Festival’s improvisational concerts.

The Festival Prečkanja – Sconfinamenti project is funded by the European Union from the Small Projects Fund GO! 2025 financed by the Interreg VI-A-Italy-Slovenian 2021–2027 programme, managed by EGTC GO.

Complimentary tickets, courtesy of Primorske novice, can be collected an hour before the concert at the venue. Reservations are not possible, spaces are limited.