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BEYOND QUINTET (S. Korea/USA, Japan/USA, USA, S. Korea, Taiwan/Spain)

Beyond quintet.jpg


28. julij
ob 11.00


Luke Hsu, violin
Mayumi Kanagawa, violin
JungAhn Shin, viola
Rainer Crosett, cello
Benjamin Lai, cello

Franz Schubert (1797–1828), String Quintet in C Major, D956

Building on the interregional concept of the Borderless Quartet, the Beyond Quintet is composed of virtuosos from all continents. As is the prerogative of Festival Prečkanja – Sconfinamenti, its members are world-class musicians making their mark as we speak.

American violinist and composer Luke Hsu pushes the boundaries of music. His refined interpretations blend timeless and contemporary pieces with a passion for history, art, and culture. He has performed in the most prestigious venues with the world’s top conductors. More…

Virtuoso Mayumi Kanagawa is renowned for her rich tone and captivating musicality. A prizewinner of the worlds most renowned competitions like Tchaikovsky in Moscow and Long-Thibaud Crespin in Paris, she collaborates with leading names of classical music globally. More…

Violist YungAhn Shin began her musical journey at age four. By fifteen, she was studying in Berlin where she now frequently performs with the Berlin Philharmonic. Her profound musical expression shines at classical festivals worldwide. More…

Cellist Rainer Crosett, hailed as sensational, was the first American to win the Pierre Fournier Award. He shines as a soloist and chamber musician on the foremost European stages while integrating music into groundbreaking scientific projects, e.g. exploring connections between poetic language&forms and instrumental music with Harvard anthropology professor N. Harkness, for which he received an artistic residency at Yellow Barn. More…

Described as an “excellent cellist with artistic profile and outstanding technical skills” by the late legendary cellist Heinrich Schiff, cellist Benjamin Lai is quickly establishing himself as one of the most riveting cellists of his generation. A laureate of the Popper, Dotzauer, Hindemith, TONALi Grand Prix and Janigro international cello competitions, Benjamin has performed in major concert halls throughout Europe including the Konzerthaus in Berlin, the Musikverein in Vienna etc. More…

The Festival Prečkanja – Sconfinamenti project is funded by the European Union from the Small Projects Fund GO! 2025 financed by the Interreg VI-A-Italy-Slovenian 2021–2027 programme, managed by EGTC GO.

Complimentary tickets, courtesy of Primorske novice, can be collected an hour before the concert at the venue. Reservations are not possible, spaces are limited.